Nutrition for Young Athletes
This new edition provides guidelines for boosting performance, limiting risk, and promoting healthy development in young exercisers and competitors. Topics include: the relationship of motor development to sports activities; assessing nutrient needs; energy production; fluid and electrolytes; weight control and dieting; and much more.
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Understand how to assess growth and development in children and adolescents.
- Understand the relationship of maturation and training.
- Discuss how body composition relates to athletic performance.
- Describe five factors that increase the risk of dehydration in children, compare to adults.
- Provide fluid replacement guidelines for young athletes before, during, and after activity.
- Understand how to help prevent heat disorders in young athletes.
- Provide appropriate food choices for pre-event and post-event meals.
- Discuss the diagnostic criteria, physical symptoms, and medical complications of eating disorders.
- Discuss safety concerns and health risks associated with the use of performance enhancing supplements in children and adolescents.
- Discuss the limitations of body composition assessment in youth.
- Name five tips for coaches and parents to consider when working with an overweight child.
- Describe how guidelines for weight loss and weight gain in children and adolescents differ, depending upon age.
- Describe factors that impact protein requirements in youth.